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Championing Africa's transformation

The Pamtech Foundation is guided by a core purpose: giving hope and sharing love to humanity.

What we do

Our Causes

Every project carried out is born out of love and inspired by a strong desire to show the world what kindness truly means.

Pamtech Foundation is the private charitable foundation of the Pamtech Group, established in 2014 with a mission to enhance opportunities for social change through strategic investments.

In addition to its core mission areas, the Foundation also supports stand-alone projects with the potential for significant social impact.

Pamtech Foundation has made substantial contributions to the educational and entrepreneurial sectors in Imo State, fostering human capital development and creating positive changes in the community. Through the Business Made in Imo Business Grants and programs, the DAD4Adolescents, the Women Empowerment Scheme, the Girl Child Project, we have been able to impact massively on the ecosystem of Imo State.


The DAD4Adolescents Initiative helps teenagers define their decade and find their feet as they course through the next 10 years of their lives.

Business Made in Imo

The BMII is an initiative positioned to help the business ecosystem in Imo State thrive. It deploys resources, materials, talents, and skills in building businesses in the State.

The WEE Scheme

The Widows Economic Empowerment Scheme is a frontier of our vision to help indigent widows live their best lives by providing them with skills and resources.

The Girl Child Project

The Girl Child Project is a comprehensive initiative dedicated to empowering and uplifting girls through focused educational programs, mentorship and support.

Scholarship Schemes

Our vision is to foster a world where education is accessible to all, regardless of economic background, and driving positive societal change.

Business Grants

The Business Grants Program supports entrepreneurial endeavors with financial assistance, fostering innovation, sustainability, and economic growth.

Our Core Values

Nurturing Progress, Inspiring Tomorrow.

Our objective is to empower children, women, and men across our continent, catalysing economic growth, driving poverty eradication, and ensuring job creation.

Love for Humanity

Pamtech Foundation embodies love for humanity as a core value, steering strategic investments to uplift health, education, and economic empowerment for positive, lasting social change.


Upholding transparency and moral fortitude, we navigate the philanthropic landscape with unyielding honesty, ensuring our investments are anchored in ethical principles.


In our commitment to excellence, we aspire to elevate human potential, leaving an indelible mark on communities and contributing to a world defined by the relentless pursuit of the extraordinary.